Lakeside Medical Group

Best Doctors

For over 20 years, we have conducted an extensive physician survey to identify the doctors that other doctors trust most.


It is the largest ongoing, peer-reviewed survey in the medical industry.As a result, we have a proprietary database of more than 53,000 medical experts in over 450 specialties and subspecialties worldwide. Best Doctors physicians are:

Reviewed and elected by their peers
    Clinically and academically accomplished
    Affiliated with national and global centers of excellence, including Dana Farber, Baylor, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, Johns Hopkins and other leaders.
    Leading medical practitioners, researchers and teachers
    Members of a prestigious, peer-reviewed group that includes the top 5% of U.S. physicians



To date, our experts have reviewed tens of thousands of cases, providing invaluable diagnostic and treatment recommendations. We do not pay physicians to be included in our database and they do not pay us.

Through Best Doctors, medical experts and treating physicians are working together in an innovative new way to ensure that patients make the right decisions and receive the right care. Simply put, we are reinventing right together



  • US Headquarters
  • Best Doctors, Inc 60 State Street
  • Suite 600 Boston, MA 02109
  • Telephone: 617-426-3666
  • Toll-Free: 1-800-223-5003

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